Algebra Seminar

The Strange World of Quotients in Algebraic Geometry

In algebraic geometry, the existence and geometry of quotient schemes is a delicate issue.  Even when quotients exist, they may not reflect enough properties of the original group action to be useful.  The machinery of geometric invariant theory is one prescription for identifying open subsets of the original scheme that admit useful quotients, but it can be shown that there are, in general, other open sets that also admit well-behaved quotients.  In this talk, we examine particular actions of diagonalizable groups on affine space and illustrate the wide variety

Generic local duality and purity exponents

Let \(R\) be a Noetherian ring, \(P\) be a prime ideal of \(R\) such that \(R_P\) is Cohen-Macaulay of dimension \(h\), \(\omega\) be a finitely generated \(R\)-module such that \(\omega_P\) is a canonical module for \(R_P\), and \(W\) be a subset of \(R\) that naturally maps onto the set of nonzero elements of \(R/P\). We show that for every finitely generated $R$-module $M$, there exists \(g \in W\) such that \(H_P^j(M)_g \cong Hom(Ext_R^{h-j}(M, \omega), H_P^h(\omega))_g\), which gives the well-known local duality when we localize at \(P\).

The Strange World of Quotients in Algebraic Geometry

In algebraic geometry, the existence and geometry of quotient schemes is a delicate issue.  Even when quotients exist, they may not reflect enough properties of the original group action to be useful.  The machinery of geometric invariant theory is one prescription for identifying open subsets of the original scheme that admit useful quotients, but it can be shown that there are, in general, other open sets that also admit well-behaved quotients.  In this talk, we examine particular actions of diagonalizable groups on affine space and illustrate the wide variety

Deformation of canonical maps and its applications to moduli space of varieties of general type

A framework was developed in a joint work with F. J. Gallego and M. Gonzalez to systematically deal with the deformation of finite morphisms, multiple scheme structures on algebraic varieties and their smoothing. There are several applications of this framework. In this talk I will talk about some of them. First is the description of some components of the moduli space of varieties of general type in all dimensions.

The log minimal model program for excellent threefolds

The log minimal model program has recently been completed for klt threefolds over excellent base schemes of residue characteristic p>5�>5.  In this talk I will survey the known results, together with some motivations and applications for working in this more general setup.

The talk will be on Zoom. Here is the link:

The passcode is: 967345

Generic local duality and purity exponents

Let \(R\) be a Noetherian ring, \(P\) be a prime ideal of \(R\) such that \(R_P\) is Cohen-Macaulay of dimension \(h\), \(\omega\) be a finitely generated \(R\)-module such that \(\omega_P\) is a canonical module for \(R_P\), and \(W\) be a subset of \(R\) that naturally maps onto the set of nonzero elements of \(R/P\). We show that for every finitely generated $R$-module $M$, there exists \(g \in W\) such that \(H_P^j(M)_g \cong Hom(Ext_R^{h-j}(M, \omega), H_P^h(\omega))_g\), which gives the well-known local duality when we localize at \(P\).

Analytic spread and symbolic analytic spread

The analytic spread of a module M is the minimal number of generators of a submodule that has the same integral closure as M. In this talk, we will present a result that expresses the analytic spread of a decomposable module in terms of the analytic spread of its component ideals. In the second part of the talk, we will show an upper bound for the symbolic analytic spread of ideals of small dimension. The latter notion is the analogue of analytic spread for symbolic powers. These results are joint work with Carles Bivià-Ausina and Hailong Dao, respectively.

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